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1951, Arrival at Les Méjades

Aquarelle | Collection particulière

It is an article by Albert Gleizes in the Art Sacré Review which incited Mennessons to write to him and express his wish to work with him at Les Méjades at Saint-Rémy de Provence. A common view of inner quests attracted him to this artist whom he had chosen for his master and who had accepted to have him as a disciple. The joy he felt at being accepted by Gleizes is revealed in the light of this water-colour in which primary red, tertiary brown and secondary green merge into a gold background in which the translations of planes oblige the eye to be alert and not to indulge leisurely in the Renaissance perspective which was abhored by analytic cubists. During his stay at Les Méjades which lasted two years until Gleizes’s death, Mennessons acquired rigour and a sense of transcendency which impregnated all his work, including the period of lyrical abstraction.

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