Mennessons, Painter and Sculptor


One of Mennessons’ first etched works was called Je voudrais être un nuage (I wish I were a cloud). Throughout his life as a painter and sculptor he shunned the static, which for him was synonymous with death, and instead sought movement, particularly movement towards light. For him, his work was about the search for profound order, as it is in life. He influenced his works just as they influenced him. He is gone but they remain, witnesses of peace and life.

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Dive into his works: Béatitudes orange

Depuis 1959, la redécouverte de la foi change la vision de l’artiste. Sa recherche du bonheur s’articule donc autour du thème des Béatitudes, bonheur parfait. Dans cette toile, l’orangé chaud dominant s’associe au bleu et violet pour créer un vide lumineux très clair, aboutissement d’une gravitation cosmique autour de l’homme, dans un mouvement ascendant. À cette béatitude orange fait pendant en 1963, dans le même mouvement, mais avec une dominante froide, une “Béatitude verte”.

Read more about this period

1962, Béatitudes orange
Huile sur toile

Jacques Mennessons, 1977
Jacques Mennessons, 1977
Gallerie Simone Heller